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What you get!

As I already mentioned on my homepage, this website is my little corner on the Internet where I talk about almost everything I have on my mind right now.

I also share my personal projects and other things I like. Guess it's also kind of an online notepad for all the interesting stuff I find on the Web. 

Where I came from!

If you're a long time follower, you already know our history: My best friend created this website back in 2011, just to fuck around and have some fun. I joined a few years later and after she eventually lost interest, I officially took over. 

The past few years I repeatedly switched the main theme of the site because I just couldn't decide what I wanted to talk about the most - and after I finally realised that I could do whatever I want here, I came back to my roots and just threw pretty much everything on here.


Unless stated otherwise, the images on this 

website don't belong to me. 

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